
See here for a full and updated list of publications.

Selected publications

Kéfi, S., A. Génin, A. Garcia-Mayor, E. Guirado, J.S. Cabral, M. Berdugo, J. Guerber, R. Solé, F.T. Maestre.
Self-organization as a mechanism of resilience in dryland ecosystems.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024.

G. Aguadé‐Gorgorió, J. Arnoldi, M. Barbier, S. Kéfi.
A taxonomy of multiple stable states in complex ecological communities..
Ecology Letters. 2024.

Kéfi, S., C. Saade, E. L. Berlow, J. S. Cabral, E. A. Fronhofer.
Scaling up our understanding of tipping points..
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B. 2022.

Pilosof, S., Porter M.A., Pascual M., Kéfi S.
The multilayer nature of ecological networks..
Nature in Ecology and Evolution. 2017.

Kéfi, S., E. Berlow, E. Wieters, S. Navarrete, O. Petchey, S. Wood, A. Boit, L. Joppa, K. Lafferty, R. Williams, N. Martinez, B. Menge, C. Blanchette, A. Iles, U. Brose.
More than a meal… Integrating non-feeding interactions into food webs.
Ecology Letters. 2012.

Kéfi, S., V. Guttal, W.A. Brock, S.R. Carpenter, A.M. Ellison, V. Livina, D.A. Seekell, M. Scheffer, E.H. van Nes, V. Dakos.
Early Warning signals of ecological transitions: Methods for spatial patterns..
PLoS ONE. 2014.

Kéfi, S., M. Rietkerk, C. L. Alados, Y. Pueyo, A. ElAich, V. Papanastasis, P. C. de Ruiter. 2007.
Spatial vegetation patterns and imminent desertification in Mediterranean arid ecosystems..
Nature. 2007.

All publications (after 2018)


S. Kéfi, A. Génin, A. Garcia-Mayor, E. Guirado, J.S. Cabral, M. Berdugo, J. Guerber, R. Solé, F.T. Maestre.
Self-organization as a mechanism of resilience in dryland ecosystems.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(6): e2305153121

S. Kéfi, C.J. Lortie, L.A. Cavieres.
The importance of facilitative interactions in mediating climate change impact on biodiversity..
Oikos. e10984

V. Domínguez-García, S. Kéfi.
The structure and robustness of ecological networks with two interaction types.
PLoS Computational Biology. 20(1): e1011770

G. Aguadé‐Gorgorió, J. Arnoldi, M. Barbier, S. Kéfi.
A taxonomy of multiple stable states in complex ecological communities..
Ecology Letters. 27(4): e14413

G. Aguadé-Gorgorió, S. Kéfi.
Alternative cliques of coexisting species in complex ecosystems..
Journal of Physics: Complexity. 5: 025022

B. Pichon, I. Gounand, S. Donnet, S. Kéfi.
The interplay of facilitation and competition drives the emergence of multistability in dryland plant communities..
Ecology. e4369

J. Jorna, B.J. Adams, Z.T. Aanderud, P.B. Frandsen, C. Takacs‐Vesbach, S. Kéfi.
The underground network: facilitation in soil bacteria..
Oikos. e10299

A. Danet, S. Bautista, A. Génin, A.P. Beckerman, F. Anthelme, S. Kéfi.
Species diversity promotes facilitation under stressful conditions..
Oikos. e10303

B. Pichon, S. Kéfi, N. Loeuille, I. Lajaaiti, I. Gounand.
Integrating ecological feedbacks across scales and levels of organization..
Ecography. e07167


TM Lenton et al.. The Global Tipping Points Report 2023

C. Saade, E.A. Fronhofer, B. Pichon, S. Kéfi.
Landscape structure affects metapopulation-scale tipping points..
The American Naturalist. 202(1): E17-E30

M. Sánchez‐Pinillos, S. Kéfi, M. De Cáceres, V. Dakos.
Ecological dynamic regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison..
Ecological monographs. 93(4): e1589

X. Wang, T. Peron, J.L.A. Dubbeldam, S. Kéfi, Y. Moreno.
Interspecific competition shapes the structural stability of mutualistic networks..
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 172, 113507

V. Dakos, C.A. Boulton, J.E. Buxton, J.F. Abrams, D.I. Armstrong McKay, S. Bathiany, L. Blaschke, N. Boers, D. Dylewsky, C. López-Martínez, I. Parry, P. Ritchie, B. van der Bolt, L. van der Laan, E. Weinans, S. Kéfi.
Tipping point detection and early-warnings in climate, ecological, and human systems..
EGUsphere [preprint]

A. Vasques, M. Baudena, V.R. Vallejo, S Kéfi, S. Bautista, V.M. Santana, M.J. Baeza, P. Maia, J.J. Keizer, M. Rietkerk.
Post-fire regeneration traits of understorey shrub species modulate successional responses to high severity fire in Mediterranean pine forests..
Ecosystems. 26(1): 146-160

E. Forgoston et al.. Stability and Fluctuations in Complex Ecological Systems..


S. Kéfi, C. Saade, E. L. Berlow, J. S. Cabral, E. A. Fronhofer. 2022.
Scaling up our understanding of tipping points..
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B. 377: 1857

V. Dakos, S. Kéfi. 2022.
Ecological Resilience: What to Measure and How..
Environmental Research Letters. 17: 043003

C. Saade, S Kéfi, C. Gougat-Barbera, B. Rosenbaum, E.A. Fronhofer. 2022.
Spatial autocorrelation of local patch extinctions drives recovery dynamics in metacommunities..
Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289(1972): 20220543

S. Rigal, V. Devictor, P. Gaüzère, Kéfi S., Forsman JT, Kajanus MH, Mönkkönen M, Dakos V. 2022.
Biotic homogenisation in bird communities leads to large-scale changes in species associations..
Oikos. 2022: e08756

A. Vasques, M. Baudena, V.R. Vallejo, S. Kéfi, S. Bautista, V.M. Santana, M.J. Baeza, P. Maia, J.J. Keizer, M. Rietkerk. 2022.
Post-fire Regeneration Traits of Understorey Shrub Species Modulate Successional Responses to High Severity Fire in Mediterranean Pine Forests..
Ecosystems. 26: 146–160

F. Houngnandan, S. Kéfi, T. Bockel, J. Deter. 2022.
The joint influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the invasion of two alien caulerpae in northwestern Mediterranean..
Biological Invasions. 24(2): 449-462


Génin, A., T. Dutoit, A. Danet, A. le Priol, S. Kéfi.
Grazing and the vanishing complexity of plant association networks in grasslands..
Oikos. 130(4): 541-552

Danet, A., F.D. Schneider, F. Anthelme, S. Kéfi.
Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands..
Theoretical Ecology. 14: 189-203

Thompson, P.L., S. Kéfi, Y.R. Zelnik, L.E. Dee, S. Wang, C. de Mazancourt, M. Loreau, A. Gonzalez.
Scaling up biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships: the role of environmental heterogeneity in space and time..
Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 288:20202779

Maestre, F., B. Benito, M. Berdugo, L. Concostrina-Zubiri, M. Delgado-Baquerizo, D. Eldridge, E. Guirado, N. Gross, S. Kéfi, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, R. Ochoa Hueso, S. Soliveres.
Biogeography of global drylands..
New Phytologist. 231(2): 540-558

Battiston, F., E. Amico, A. Barrat, G. Bianconi, G. Ferraz de Arruda, B. Franceschiello, I. Iacopini, S. Kéfi, V. Latora, Y. Moreno, M. M. Murray, T. P. Peixoto, F. Vaccarino, G. Petri. 2021.
Higher-order interactions in complex networks: an opportunity for new physics..
Nature Physics. 17(10):1093-1098

Lurgi, M., N. Galiana, B.R. Broitman, S. Kéfi, E.A. Wieters, S.A. Navarrete. 2021.
Geographical variation of multiplex ecological networks in marine intertidal communities..
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 102(1), 1-7


Génin, A., S. Lee, E.L. Berlow, S. Ostoja, S. Kéfi.
Mapping hotspots of potential ecosystem fragility using commonly available spatial data..
Biological Conservation. 241: 108388

Kéfi, S.
Ecological Networks: from structure to dynamics.
Chapter 10 in: Theoretical ecology: Concepts and applications. Oxford University Press.

Houngnandan, F., S. Kéfi, J. Deter.
Identifying key-conservation areas for Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds..
Biological Conservation. 247: 108546

Gonzalez, A., R.M. Germain, D.S. Srivastava, E. Filotas, L.E. Dee, D. Gravel, M.I. O’Connor, P.L. Thompson, J. Cowles, F. Isbell, S. Wang, S. Kéfi, J. Montoya, Y. Zelnik, M Loreau.
Scaling-up biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research..
Ecology Letters. 23(4): 757-776

Arnoldi, J.-F., S. Coq, S. Kéfi, S. Ibanez.
Positive plant-soil feedbacks trigger tannin evolution by niche construction: a spatial stoichiometric model..
Journal of Ecology. 108(1): 378-391

Lurgi, M., N. Galiana, B.R. Broitman, S. Kéfi, E.A. Wieters, S.A. Navarrete. 2020.
Geographical variation of multiplex ecological networks in marine intertidal communities..
Ecology 101(11):e03165

van den Elsen, E., L. Stringer, C. de Ita, R. Hessel, S. Kéfi, F.D. Schneider, S. Bautista, A. Garcia Mayor, M. Baudena, M. Rietkerk, A. Valdecantos, V. Ramon Vallejo, N. Geeson, J. Brandt, L. Fleskens, L. Hemerik, P. Panagos, S. Valente, J. Jacob Keizer, G. Schwilch, M. Jucker Riva, D. Sietz, M.A. Christoforou, D.G. Hadjimitsis, C. Papoutsa, G. Quaranta, R. Salvia, I. Tsanis, I.N. Daliakopoulos, H. Claringbould, P.C. De Ruiter.
Advances in understanding and managing catastrophic shifts in Mediterranean ecosystems..
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 561101

Drake, J.M., S.M. O’Regan, V. Dakos, S. Kéfi, P. Rohani.
Alternative stable states, tipping points, and early warning signals of ecological transitions.
Chapter 15 in: Theoretical ecology: Concepts and applications. Oxford University Press.


Dominguez-Garcia, V., V. Dakos, S. Kéfi.
Unveiling dimensions of stability in complex ecological networks..
PNAS. 116(51): 25714-25720

Kéfi, S., V. Dominguez-Garcia, I. Donohue, C. Fontaine, E. Thébault, V. Dakos.
Advancing our understanding of ecological stability..
Ecology Letters. 22(9): 1349-1356

Kéfi, S.
Multiple Stable States and Catastrophic Shifts in Ecosystems.
In:Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199830060-0219

Miele, V., C. Guill, R. Ramos-Jiliberto, S. Kéfi.
Non-trophic interactions strengthen the diversity-functioning relationship in an ecological bioenergetic network model..
PLoS Computational Biology. 15(8): e1007269

Mayor, A.G., S. Bautista, F. Rodriguez, S. Kéfi.
Connectivity-mediated ecohydrological feedbacks and regime shifts in drylands..
Ecosystems. 22(7):1497-1511

Gaüzere, P., G. Doulcier, V. Devictor, S. Kéfi.
A framework for estimating species-specific contributions to community indicators..
Ecological Indicators. 99: 74-82

Berdugo, M., F.T. Maestre, S. Kéfi, N. Gross, Y. Le Bagousse-Pinguet, S. Soliveres.
Aridity preferences alter the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers on plant species abundance in global drylands..
Journal of Ecology. 107(1): 190-202

Berdugo, M., S. Soliveres, S. Kéfi, F.T. Maestre.
The interplay between facilitation and habitat type drives spatial vegetation patterns in global drylands..
Ecography. 42(4): 755-767

Rebolledo, R., S.A. Navarrete, S. Kéfi, S. Rojas, P.A. Marquet.
An Open-System Approach to Complex Biological Networks..
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 79(2): 619-640

Hutchinson, M.C., B. Bramon Mora, S. Pilosof, A.K. Barner, S. Kéfi, E. Thébault, P. Jordano, D.B. Stouffer.
Seeing the forest for the trees: Putting multilayer networks to work for community ecology..
Functional Ecology.3(2): 206-2017

Brose, U., P. Archambault, A.D. Barnes, L.-F. Bersier, T. Boy, J. Canning-Clode, et al.. Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems..
Nature in Ecology and Evolution. 3: 919-927


Kéfi, S., P. Couteron.
Spatiotemporal patterns as early warnings of possible catastrophic shifts in stressed ecological systems..
Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 491-493

Génin, A., S. Majumder, S. Sankaran, A. Danet, V. Guttal, F.D. Schneider, S. Kéfi.
Monitoring ecosystem degradation using spatial data and the R package spatialwarnings.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 9(10): 2067-2075

spatialwarnings R package.
github repositoty

Danet, A., F. Anthelme, N. Gross, S. Kéfi.
Effects of indirect facilitation on functional diversity, dominance and niche differentiation in tropical alpine communities..
Journal of vegetation science. 29(5): 835-846

Génin, A., S. Majumder, S. Sankaran, F.D. Schneider, A. Danet, M. Berdugo, V. Guttal, S. Kéfi.
Spatially heterogeneous stressors can alter the performance of indicators of regime shifts..
Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 520-533

Zélé, F., S. Magalhães, S. Kéfi, A.B. Duncan.
Ecology and evolution of facilitation among symbionts: causes and consequences..
Nature communications. 9(1): 4869

Sankaran, S., S. Majumder, S.Kéfi, V. Guttal.
Implications of being discrete and spatial for detecting early warning signals of regime shifts..
Ecological Indicators. 94(1): 503-511

K. Kadowaki, S. Nishijima, S. Kéfi, K.O. Kameda, T. Sasaki.
Merging community assembly into the regime-shift approach for informing ecological restoration..
Ecological Indicators. 85: 991-998

Maris, V., P. Huneman, A. Coreau, S. Kéfi, R. Pradel, V. Devictor.
Prediction in ecology: promises, obstacles and clarifications..
Oikos. 127(2): 171-183